EWS Benefit allows you to submit your benefit claim request via mobile apps which will make it much more convenient.
EWS Benefit lets you configure the level of benefit claim approval up to unlimited number of level. In addition, it also allows you to configure the approval level based on the benefit claim amount. EWS also gives you flexibility to assign the approvers. Approvers are allowed to approve, revert, or even reject the benefit claim request only by a button click.
With a workflow log at every benefit submission, requester can easily find out what has been done to the benefit claim request forms including approval by approvers. Requester can see which approvers who have and have not yet approved the form.
The email notifications and reminders will ensure that approvers will not miss any approval requests from requester, and at the same time, to inform requester of the latest status of the form.
EWS Benefit offers detailed benefit claim reports that can be easily exported to excel file (.xlsx) for your finance to do analysis.
EWS Benefit allows you to set benefit entitlement and policy according to the need of your organization.